Wednesday, May 9, 2012


"Finding simple pleasures like the beauty in nature can bring about happiness" Simply Said

Achieving overall wellness is a conscious and subconscious effort an individual would desire.  Today my example is obtaining happiness.  Happiness is a state of mind that is desired by all.  It can be achieved but it also must be maintained.  In order to maintain happiness one must know what are the things that make them happy.  What brings about that smile on your face, what brings you joy, what keeps you elated.

To achieve happiness self examination is necessary.  Your happiness is found within you.  Your level of optimism and your perspective on life is what determines how high or low your happiness cup will be.

To maintain a happiness balance you would need to identify with the things, persons or places that make you happy then incorporate those elements on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.  Whatever works for you and what life's schedule permits.  In order to maintain happiness those things, persons or places should be added to your "happiness" cup.

Before I go into the practical applications of maintaining happiness let me quickly touch the spiritual aspects of maintaining happiness.  Without that acknowledgment, you would not be able to maintain or achieve it.  1.  All things good come from God.  2.  God is love and 3.  Love in all its forms brings about happiness.  Psalm 118 vs 8 states "It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man."  Consult with the author of Love, all the blessings that come from the acknowledgment that you are not just flesh & blood but spirit, yes your essence, makes the achievement and maintenance of happiness that much easier.

We have the body and we have our senses.  Let's take the sense of smell.  For example, a foul odor or a pleasant odor can easily alter your mood.  Pleasant aromas can bring about a tranquil state, childhood memories or a flashback of real good times.  Aroma therapy works wonders, it's those simple pleasures that we can part take in that aids in the process of our well being.

Relationships, although I can write about that topic forever.  I'll just give you the words of one of my favorite R&B artists Charlie Wilson, "Being in Love is good for your health."  Hobbies or activities that involve giving without the expectation of receiving brings about a sense of fulfillment.  Watching someone's eyes grow with smiles from ear to ear because of a kind gesture - that's a happy moment!  Charitable activities are always rewarding, the recipient is blessed and so are you.

Create your own "Happiness List" and seriously work on it.  For each item reached check it off.  your Happiness List should have realistic projected dates and stick to it!  Some items on your list might be specific goals in education or in the work place or domestic matters, other items might just be broadening your iTunes library, a dream vacation or a new business venture.  It can also be just listening to your favorite song or making your favorite dish.  Whatever the items maintain your Happy List.

In order to do any of these things you need to look into your life.  Review the negatives and the positives.  See what needs to be eliminated, what needs work and take one day at a time. Happiness is a state of mind, encourage yourself and surround yourself in environments that bring about the best in you.  Laugh, Live & Love - Simply Said!

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